Rod Teuscher, The Man Behind The Bits

Growing up in Wyoming, Rod worked on ranches and attended the University of Wyoming, earning a B.S. in Animal Science. He worked in Cheyenne, Wyoming, as County Ag. Agent for four years, and then returned to Jackson Hole to work on a ranch and train horses. During that time the other trainers would come to Rod because they knew he had a background in welding. They taught him about the balance and feel to a bit as well as the mechanics. Before he knew it Rod was backed up on bit orders and had to stop training horses to pursue the full time bit and spur business. In 1989 Rod moved to Gainesville, Texas where he has stayed ever since. Rod builds both California and Texas style bits and spurs as well as buckles, saddle conchos and anything else his creative mind can think of.

“If you can dream it, I can make it” And Rod stands by that quote to this very day.